Thursday 31 October 2019

My poem

Woof, Woof, poof, poof
Bow-Wow, Meow, Pow
Bam, Slam, Wham
Smash, Slam, Boom
My dog goes woof woof.
Boom goes the explosion.

We are learning to use onomatopeia.
onomatopoeia is a word that makes sounds. e.g: pow! boom! smash! plop!

Wednesday 30 October 2019


WALT: Summarise
we went around and wrote some ideas on each others Chromebooks and put most of the ideas on ourselves.
I enjoyed it because it was fun and easy.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

WALT: use onomatopoeia

1. My dog growls as 
person walks by

2. There was an
explosion and 
it was nearby
I heard it go BOOM!
as it blew up

Today we have been learning how to use onomatopeia and make our own poems.
Onomatopeia are words that make sounds.