Friday 30 October 2020

Relating to others. DLO

DLO stands for, digital learning object, and this is a DLO that we did today. I liked that I knew a lot which made it easier. I didn't like that I have a really sore stomach which made it a tiny bit harder for me.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Alfred Nobel


Today we have been researching Alfred Nobel.
I liked how it was easy enough for me to do.
I didn't like that I couldn't find much information otherwise I would have done more.

Friday 16 October 2020


This week we have been writing about sportsmanship. I liked that I knew what a lot of good sportsmen do and act. I didn't like that it was bad because I don't know too much about sportsmanship.

Thursday 15 October 2020

The wind singer review.


For the last few weeks now my group has read a big book and we have done these activities. I Didn't like that I forgot a lot and I had to just go through the pages when I found something. I liked that I didn't have to read it all again and I only had to just go through the pages.