Wednesday 3 June 2020

6 true facts about Matariki

  1. There are more than 7 stars in the cluster if you look at a picture of it then you should be able to see more than 7 as proof.
  2. the 7 stars are named Pleiades clusters, or seven sisters, or m45.
  3. The 7 stars are all sibling but in the seven sisters myth, one is their mother.
  4. The Pleiades star cluster is made from gas and dust some were 100 million years ago.
  5. The Zuni of New Mexico call the Pleiade stars the (Seed Stars) 
  6. To see more than six or seven stars in the cluster you need to have very good eyesight.

Today for my literacy medals I have chosen to do the Matariki facts.
I liked how it was kind of easy.
I disliked that it was hard to find the facts.

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